
Saturday, September 30, 2017

Would You Rather - Kathleen

I actually really love games like this.

Heyyy!! How are y'all, I hope you've finally gotten into some sort of routine with your back to school life...

Anyways, I feel like would you rather games really help you get to know a person. They kind of put you into hypothetical situations and then you get to see how the other person reacts.. if that makes sense. I have some Would You Rathers to ask my self thanks to Conversation Starters (Link in my signature) so let's get started!

Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
I think I would always want to be 20 minutes early simply because being early is polite. Plus then I am situated. Especially with my anxiety, it is nice to get a grip on a situation/be prepared early so I don't get caught unexpected by something. Although it might be slightly awkward on dates and such I think it would be easy to explain.

Would you rather lose all your money and valuables or all the pictures you have ever taken?
I would much rather lose all my money/valuables. There is a quote I love, it says, "We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone." This is so true. Money can't replace that. I always try to remember that when Mom wants to take a picture but I don't feel like it or something.

Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your future or 10 minutes into everyone else's future.
I would much rather see 10 minutes into everyone else's future. I just think it would be so much more interesting and less stressful and I would get to know someone better.

Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die, or forgotten while you are alive and famous when you die.
Wowza. I have no idea... Either way I would want to be famous for some good effect I left, not money or popularity or anything like that.

Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person.
I would much rather live in the middle of nowhere. Not because being homeless sucks, but because I love quiet, and as much as I love shopping, I would totally love living in Maine or something.

Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people.
Alone. While living with so many annoying people would be great for patience, I really like being alone. Whenever Olivia is at dance, and Mom and Dad are out, it's so quiet, and I can just opera sing or bake or watch a movie or read, or basically do anything without being judged/embarrassed. That's when I take most of my blog post pictures...

Would you rather never use social media again, or never watch another movie/TV show again?
Well considering that I really only blog and use Pinterest, I would definitely choose no social media. Without a doubt. Emma's like, "No way crazy lady!" But yeah I don't really use it now so it wouldn't be that hard.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you guys are having fun as summer turns into fall! Here in Illinois, it's still 90 degrees on average so appreciate your cool, crisp autumn air! Have an awesome week!


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Morning Routine - Kathleen

Wowza. School is not fun.

Hey guys! I just had a massively productive day and then I got a ton of ideas for blog posts.

Today I'm doing a Morning Routine post. Lets just get right to it!

First thing I normally do in the morning is washing my hair. It really helps wake me up if I do it with cold water. Plus this makes me shiny. I also really love this shampoo; it really cleans my hair and I can feel it freshened and clean. Then the conditioner makes my hair feel like mermaid hair. I love it. The tea tree makes my hair smell amazing as well.

Then I eat breakfast. I didn't take a picture of this, but I had cinnamon toast and melon. Delicious. Not necessarily healthy...

Right after breakfast, I take wash my face. This starts with me brushing my teeth and then using my mouth wash. Then I wash my face with the Aveda Purifying Crème Cleanser. It's moisturizing and cleansing, and also smells amazing. I use the coldest water I possibly can because it wakes me up and it closes my pores. I'm pretty sure everyone does that though. :D

After I finish washing my face and getting dressed, I put on some hand lotion and chap-stick. Now I'm ready for the day. Now that my morning routine is done I can start school.

I always make my bed before starting school because then my room is cleaner and my productivity goes wayyy up. So yeah.

Comment down below and tell me what your morning staples are. So, that's my morning routine, I hope you enjoyed it!


Saturday, September 16, 2017

What's in My Beauty Drawer (Part #1) - Kathleen


How are you lovely readers?? I've had a GREAT day. I basically cleaned a whole room washed windows, washed the door frame in the sliding glass door, dusted, and I basically took a time-lapse of the whole process and it looks EPIC. I'm living the vlogger life without ACTUALLY posting it on YouTube. 😃

So when we got back from Ondessonk, my room was basically in shambles. I cleaned it up, but the drawers and everything remained jumbled up. So I just went through my drawers and decided I would do a What's in my Beauty Drawers like how people do What's in my Makeup Bag. I have two drawers so, in an effort to draw out the effect/write more blog posts, I decided to do two parts. This first part is my first drawer, which has the items that I use everyday. The second drawer will have face masks, lotions and other things that I use on more of a weekly basis. Lets get started!!

First I have my makeup bag. This is pretty much all my makeup. I don't have much but it's really all I need. I won't go into detail with this because I might do another post on that if this one is popular... The bag is from Contents by Allegro. I got it for my birthday a few years ago and I just think it is soo pretty.

This is my essentials bag. In this I have my Crest 3D White Travel Tooth Paste, Redken Sheer Straight 06 straightening gel, Alberto VO5 Conditioning Hairdressing, Loreal Straight Perfecting and Heat Protection Balm, Burt's Bees Ultra Moisturizing Lip Treatment with Kokum Butter, and then some other odds and ends such as deodorant, travel toothbrush and anti-itch cream.

In these three bags I have my hair ties and such. The one in the front has my regular ponytails and clear ponytails in them. The second one I really need to get rid of, but it has those ponytail holders that were really popular a few years ago. They were the ones that weren't supposed to make the dent in your hair.

These are my hair brushes. The black one I use when I'm blow drying my hair (which isn't often). The blue paddle brush I use just on an everyday basis. The pink comb is just for French braiding because then I can get a really good even line with the tip. The pink brush I take with me on camping trips or an overnight when I don't necessarily need it but want to have it.

Last but not least, this is my Spray Water Bottle, I just hang this on the end of the drawer and it's right there when I need it!

That's all that is in my top drawer, if you like this comment what you use every day!!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a lovely week!


Friday, September 15, 2017

Study Tips -Emma

Hello everyone! Since school has just started again (insert crying face here), I thought I would share some study tips with you all! These are all things that I do that really help me stay motivated to study, and more importantly- get good grades. 

Tip #1: Turn off distractions
It's important to turn off your T.V, cell phone, radio, and to study in a quiet space where you won't be bothered while studying. If you don't want to turn off your phone completly, put it on do not disturb and put it somewhere out of sight. Those text messages can wait until later!

Tip #2: Take frequent breaks
Studying for 15-30 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks in between is the most effective way of studying. You'll be much more focused and motivated to study, and you will memorize information much easier. Just make sure to use your break time wisely. For example, instead of watching a show on Netflix, eat a snack and check social media. If you sit down and start watching Pretty Little Liars, you know you won't be getting back to studying anytime soon.

Tip #3: Make colorful notes
Using colorful index cards and highlighting topics in different colors has been proven to help you remember things. Index cards are great for memorizing definitions, or you can make up your own questions and quiz youself with them. 

Tip #4: Reward yourself
When I'm studying for a long period of time, I like to reward myself with candy after I finish a certain amount of work. For example, if I have to read 3 chapters in my Science textbook and take notes, I will get a Reece's peanut butter cup after I complete each chapter. It just helps me stay motivated to keep going.  (Plus, eating chocolate while studying has been proven to help the brain retain information!)

Tip #5: Make a playlist
Some people find it hard to concentrate when it's completly silent. The perfect solution to this is making a study playlist on Spotify. You can either make your own, or listen to one of Spotify's premade playlists. I listen to "Intense Studying". You wouldn't believe how much it helps me concentrate. If you're making your own playlist, just make sure they are non-lyrical songs. Those will just distract you even more. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Let me know what helps you study in the comments below. 

Until next week..


Saturday, September 9, 2017

3 Summer Favorites - Kathleen

Two weeks of school are down. Bring it on world.

I say that with dark circles under my eyes.

Hey guys!! I'm so excited to share with you my 3 summer favorites!!! As I told you with my Spring favorites, my favorites posts will be small if there at all. I feel like this may be a little easier on all of us because, while favorites are fun to watch, they aren't as fun to read or write. Plus that means my wallet won't hurt so much.

Cool. Now that we have discussed that, lets get on to the post!!

First thing is the LUSH BB Seaweed Fresh Face Mask. I just got this a week ago but it made it into the favorites. I really feel like this is great when you have really been slacking on your skin or you are having a major breakout and you don't know what to do. It really just takes everything on your face, and just tones it all down. It also feels amazing in the summer because it is chilled in the refrigerator.

Next up is the Alberto Vo5 Leave in Conditioner. I LOVE this. You put it in after washing your hair. It helps make highlights (natural and fake) stand out and soften your hair. Honestly, I can't get away with washing my hair and letting it air dry, but this REALLY makes it less fuzzy. Then if I'm having a particularly fluffy day, or I need to take care of some fly-aways, this is a life-saver. Just smooth in a TINY squeeze of it and the fly-aways are gone and your hair is shiny. It's awesome.

Last but not least is this book. This is How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul: 21 Secrets for Women by Jason and Crystalina Evert. This is a book guiding anyone (but especially Catholics) on their journey of finding their soulmate. Even if you aren't Catholic this is just a great book to help you avoid heartache and have the genuine relationship you crave. It was really inspiring and I highly recommend that you read it, even if you think you have things figured out.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing week!! I will be back on Saturday with another post!


Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Great American Eclipse - Kathleen

Hey guys!!!

So I hope you can tell what this post is going to be about. If you don't, I will tell you.

On August 21st, 2017 at 1:21 P.M. Central Standard Time, in Carbondale, Illinois, the moon covered the sun and blocked out 100% of its surface. The exact point of  the shadow reached earth and traveled over the United States of America. The 70 mile wide shadow traveled a path through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Caroline before ending at the Eastern most tip of Africa.

I was lucky enough to travel to Camp Ondessonk to view the Eclipse. Camp Ondessonk, a Catholic summer camp, is south of Carbondale, Illinois. Camp Ondessonk was directly on the line of totality which meant that we had 2 minutes and 39.7 seconds of totality.

First contact was at 10:45 am so we were out in the field with the astronomers at 10:30. It was incredible to be able to look directly at the sun through our glasses. At about 10 minutes to totality (1:11pm) the shadows became very sharp. Everything looked like a picture with the contrast turned up. Thunder clouds were illuminated on the horizon. It was incredible to see the orange sunset and then the thunderclouds.

This is essentially what it looked like minus the ship and the sun (or lack thereof, heehee) was bigger.

At 2 minutes until totality the light disappeared. In 30 seconds it went from mid-day light to about 8 pm dusk/twilight.

Then totality hit.

My words will be nothing compared to the real thing.

The first thing you see is the diamond ring. This is the last little bit of the sun's light escaping the moon's coverage. It actually looks like a massive diamond ring. Then you see Bailey's Beads. This is actually the last bit of the sun shining through the valley's and craters of the moon. Then the shadow of the moon races over you and 140,000 mph. It's so fast that if you don't have the right elevation and space you won't see it. All I noticed was that the dark sky, got even darker drastically. Then it all happened backwards. And it got brighter.

It's amazing how life changing two minutes and thirty-nine point seven seconds without the sun can be. All the night life came out, the horses went inside.

The next eclipse is in 2024. You HAVE GOT to find a way to get to this eclipse. Camp Ondessonk will be doing another session. My words mean nothing, that picture means nothing until you see it. You can google all the pictures you want to, watch all the documentaries on Netflix, and listen to all the stories, but you have GOT to have your own experience. And when you do, don't take a picture to post on Instagram. I know how many comments it will get and the likes, but it doesn't matter. Will you have seen it and taken it in?

Have an amazing Labor Day!!


Friday, September 1, 2017

Quick Update - Kathleen

Hi everyone!

So I just wanted to update you on some stuff.

Really just one thing. :P

So this past week you may have noticed that a Blogmas post went up. "Why would that go up? It's literally August?" you probably said to yourself.

I have no idea why it went up. It's like it got reposted or something. Then, again, later on, I had a post scheduled for a weekend, and it went up in the middle of the week. As if someone hacked the blog and started messing with stuff.

Now before you freak out, I don't think anyone hacked the blog. I set up an alert for this blog to send an email to me if anything odd happens, and nothing has come back yet. So, if this blog gets hacked, don't worry. Emma and I are going to have a "meeting" (literally just a google hangouts XD) and talk about some stuff, maybe explore some security options.

I just wanted to update you on that. I know we don't have a huge viewer audience, but guys, just remember to be kind ad respect people's privacy. It was even a little scary for me to see two posts go up without our permission.

Thank you so much!!